The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Really looking forward to this surprise. 

Ah good call. Now I see it. That's totally her hair.

So a rob Liefeld creation?

Was that the 14th doctor in that promo?

Yes but we need more original story ideas that Pixar is known for. Inside out, incredibles and toy story lent themselves to follow ups (but the latter has definitely run it’s course with the original cast of characters)

Not great but better than this garbage.

FFFFFFf, really not liking what this will ultimately lead to, fewer new stories for animated projects. 

the last 5 min of the movie are gold. He’s got talent, it’s just unfortunate that he’s been typcast. 


yeah their docoumentary selection blows Netflix’s true crime bs out of the water,

and great performance from Christensen. Just wish he took on more roles like this and directors took more chances with him. 

The only one with half a brain too!

If S&L is doing the Death of Superman I really REALLY hope it’s not a season long thing coupled with flashbacks and for him to return for the finale.

This also should be the last time for a while for DC to be adapting that story. It’s getting played out.

background noise for laundry folding,

Doesn’t Android already have this option?

You could tell that they were updating or already updated the Enterprise D bridge set for Generations, hence the closeups on the crew of the Galaxy.

NYC moviegoers still have Nighthawk. 

He’s talking about the 3 picture deal. projects may die but there have been multiple instances where studios honored the contract and let said actor play the role under a different production (see Ryan Reynolds and Ezra Miller)