The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

cosmic fury was live action

interest spiking. If they’re casting this with the idea of the experienced veterans playing the adults with the newcomers as leads, this will be more Harry Potter than 90210,

exact opposite for me. given everything that’s happened to SW as a franchise since 1987 the jokes land even more. (the fact that they have the home video of the movie while still in theaters was weridly prophetic)

Seriously. He wishes he had half the talent of Bruce Timm and the Lewalds.

So... she's in it.

I see the special edition of the x with the drive is a “limited edition” thing. Does that mean a future series x models won’t have the Blu ray drive?

So...was there any player action in that bit?

Easier to go all out with the action and set pieces when there are no real people or construction to pay for.

Can not wait. the movie was a fresh coat of paint for the franchise. 

helped that the writers were producers AND in the writer’s room. I hope books 7 to 9 get their adaptations.

Eat Shit trolls. Eat shit. 

wait there was a director’s cut and THAT was the ending?! Wow

Guessing “juan” the troll commenter here is the top contributor to this crowdfunding campaign. It’s the star wars character he picked to be on the playground.

oh hell yes!

in other gaming news, this is a huge loss

if you’re registered to vote, head to a polling place or send in your paper ballot this fall and vote dem. If you’re eligible and not registered, register. We can NOT let the GOP gain any more power. Whatever issues people have with the dems and Biden, and many are legit, they are nothing compared to the damage the

Matalas said that he was named Shaw after Robert Shaw due to the character’s arc mirroring Quint from Jaws. He was written to die. At the same time, Matalas said he still had plans for Shaw so take that as you will. (hologram guide would work so well and be a nice touch for Capt. Seven of Nine)