The Left Hand of the Son of Coul


DO NOT comment or ungrey “juan” or “Slider6294" they’re plain trolls who don’t care about actual anaylsis, 


Good riddance anti vax trash bag. Let’s just have Paul Rudd be solo in the next ant-man movie. 

The modifications to the suit in the photo make it pop more imo.

Thank you

Team dot and slug for life.

Agreed. This was a well put together episode that should be taught in screenwriting and film classes.

You can switch to the original Japanese audio easily in the Netflix version.

nah i think the “on board” stuff is him exec producing it b/c he has the film rights. 

Fast 12 Jurassic NoS

which goes to show that the entire GOP party is filled with not serious people and it’s important that we never vote for them again. 

With Tawney ont he writing team I think we will be getting less of that for sure.

hope he brings the sauce

Why Rian?!

Still not over folks, if you’re registered to vote, head to a poll, or fill out your paper ballot and send it in. DO NOT VOTE FOR ANY GOP candidate and vote dem. If you’re eligible and not registered, register asap.

Whatever issues you have with the dems, and there are many legit ones, we can not let the party that

Would have been easier to just have them decommission the ship but keep Zora online because she evolved and have her go exploring old school style without the upgrades.

 but what about dumb einstein?

Again going to repeat this for all enternity, if you’re registered head to a poll, mail your ballot, or drop your ballot off and don’t vote GOP. If you’re eligible and not registered, register ASAP.

The issues against Biden and the dems are nothing compared to the issues of the GOP, the damage they’ve done and the