The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

well we all know she didn’t take the red one...

It’s just plain simple. The GOP are dictators and can not be changed. They thrive when people don’t go out to vote because the numbers show collectively the majority don’t support their beliefs.

if you’re registered head to a poll (and don’t vote GOP), if you’re eligible and not registerered, register asap. No matter what grief you have with Biden or the dems (and many griefs are legitimate) not voting and not voting dem have short and long term consequences that we can not take lightly. 

good call. 

yeah he and his brother were true maestros that deserved all of the accolates mentioned below.

Now playing

really don’t get the dislike of this movie. It’s a worthy follow-up to Wrath of Khan, the ensemble (even with the limited use of Uhura) all chip in to move the plot forward and this may be the best Shatner-Kirk acting off all time:

also chip carson from not quite human and Young indiana Jones’ Ernest Hemingway.

Is this the potato farm?

Yes I am Albert Potato.”

“Listen to me, Hillary. I’m not the first guy who fell in love with a woman that he met at a restaurant who turned out to be the daughter of a kidnapped scientist, only to lose her to her childhood lover who she last saw on a deserted island, who then turned out

guess well get a lot if flashbacks with her.

loved the doc took a look back at the original show (where’s my blu-ray re-release disney) but I could tell the huge void about the themes and twists of season 6. I’m guessing DeMayo’s spoke for the documentary on this and those bits were cut out at the 11th hour. 

Yeah I could tell she and Dodd were smokers from their interviews. (the latter has said he quit a while back.)

Potter’s voice def has changed to the point where he would sound very off if he reprised it. His older voice fit Cable better and applaud the call. Same goes for the original Jean voice.

Cerritos crew to Discovery, been there done that...every week.

good for TM, sad that it’s looking like Star Trek Legacy won’t make it to the top of the “mountain of entertainment” that is Paramount :(

that’s some good choreography and editing.

ironic given what happened to Cobie in the MCU (still burned over that)

Go 10 episodes on plus then. or 12 like Andor, it can be done and with 97 showing how it could be done with eps under 40 minutes (granted lower budget) they should take notice.

agreed. they need to invest it as a prestine Disney plus show and save theatrical for either a major event or solo character story 

TV show, TV show, TV show. The x-men franchise as a whole is so dense (plot wise) that 2 hours every 3 years won’t do it justice.