The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

I think if they run with the supernatural elements they can do something fun.

We'll see. Sounds like everything is in flux.

May be for the best

the only time a slideshow worked for a story imo

lol funny seeing comic accurate DP next to Wolverine Origins Wolverine who fought this:

Has Frakes directed murder mystery tv episodes in the past? I totally believe him here given his track record with multiple genres. 

what’s up with the asterisk on the logo? Also really hope they took time on the script here, because I do think there is potential here to be a fun ensemble movie that sets itself apart from the suicide squad films IF they really took their time to nail the script. 

the driving scenes with Richard were rear projection or blue screened.

ehhhhh as much fanboy fun as that is I’d prefer if they were unknown to each other until present day. Just because they both fought in WW II doesn’t mean they knew each other. Plus MCU Cap was focused on hydra with his small band of comrades and James Howlett was fighting for Canada. 

ooooo wonder if Magneto and Rogue’s past connections have anything to do with her white hair....

if you’re a longtime X-Men reader, for the casuals or the TAS only fans, that is a spoiler. 

really.....We all saw the video posted earler and we all know it’s a 95% shot for shot remake. Sorry they’re making you do clickbait James and this is all on your power brokers but COME ON with the slideshow.

As an 8 year old, that line from Creed really sent shivers down my spine and taught me a lot so it worked for its core audience. 

given Greg Wiseman’s tendancy to do a lot of lead up but not have an ending I’m hesitant. Also no Ed Asnwer :( 

well said. 

like any good shepard she commands well :) 

any right winger who claims they’re an x-man fan is a liar. period. Glad Disney its standing its ground here and with Morph.

yeah trying tooo hard to sound like Chris Evans. 

helps this is her 5th outing as her (Wolverine and the X-men, X-men anime, MvC3 and ulimate alliance 3)

They did, but those review details can wait until ep 3 premires.