The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

the third episode of the series is a Hail Mary riff on the life and times of Madelyne Pryor. Scott Summers’ second love after Jean Grey seemingly perished forever in the Phoenix Saga, but in just 30 minutes it condenses almost the entirety of her history into a single plot—not just her identity twist, or her iconic

hot damn x-men season 6 is off to a good start. you all doing reviews?

confidence in project rising.

so i guess we’re getting a Yoda cameo at a minimum, just hope his role is not just fan service.

ooo that cinematography is lit


I liked it too despite some of the movie’s flaws. The prologue needed to be cut down by 10 min especially the train scene, Agent Mason felt like a waste and easily could have been used to fill up the plot hole in the end concerning Indy’s fugitive status. Would have also liked to have had Marion more involved where

This show is set, I think, a centry before episode 1 so these sabers may work differently, if they want to hand wave that part of canon. 

Same that’s why I’m still excited over what Mangold, I hope, has in store. He was severely hampered with Dial of Destiny in what he could and couldn’t do with the character but imo still made a good movie.

I wonder if this will go down the Echo path and be more violent. Either way I’m down for anything done by Headland.

SOOOO looks like those rumors of Jordan Elass leaving Superman & Lois over not getting the COVID vaccine have more weight.

One was written by one of the most acclaimed science fiction writers of all time who saw society could easily forget the sins of the past. The other was thought up by a pair of arrogant, privileged bro douchebags don’t understand why adding rape scenes two parts of stories that didn’t have it our problematic. So yeah

Yeah remember Dave when you were trying to make a show where the Confederates won? 

Nah he took a vacation to Genosia...

Yes. They already finished voice recording for it.

They’re only good for REAL bombs. everything else is nitpicking. so yeah 98% of their vids are terrible.

The word is it’s a waste of plastic and metal.

Now playing

no no no no. This is only good as a animated property not a “live action” remake. Did we NOT learn our lesson from 2019?!

Alex Garland really is one of the best writers in Hollywood. If anyone else handled this story I’d be hesitient but now I’m more sold.

Also if not registered to vote, go for it and vote Dem. (Look Biden is not perfect but the GOP can never ever be trusted again to lead. That’s the bottom line.)