The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Wonder if this was done to spite Kojima who, Hayer claims, was not fond of the American casting for Snake despite the fan and critic acclaim.

welcome to comic books son. no one stays dead and the same loyalties.


I couldn’t even type out Dark before cringing. 

so is this a really really well done cel shaded cgi or standard 2d animation?

Wish she stayed on Alderan...

Worst era? It may have run in the 90s during the terrible Bob Harris comic era BUT the show adapted the best arcs from the 70s and 80s.

That and they can do what they should have done with the Eternals, let the huge cast of characters and mythos breathe over several hours.

Not surprised it’s generally hard to mess up the X-Men, which makes the misses that are 3, Wolverine Origins, Apolocalpse, DP and the New Mutants even more maddening, especially when they’re a TV show.

Disney really needs to make the live action X-men their GoT and focus on a streaming series instead of movies based on

Same and I love the show for both of those aspects.

The animation to X-Men season 6 is looking better with every new promo. Shame about that questionable showrunner but I’m looking forward to next Wednesday.


“actor” lol

Damn they really put him in a no win situation. 

Hey Jason Geiger, F off

forgot to mention he’s under investigation for allegedly stealing COVID money

Man JDF was right. (Yes I know about Jesus didn’t tap out and its right wing christiany stuff but this is far far far worse)

imo he was both a meta commentary and a good incarnation that stands out especially his arc with Robin and weirdly the Joker in the film.

Agreed but it came at a cost and for the sake of the animators I hope someone reigns in Lord and his lazy producing.

(for the record I loved the movie too cliffhanger and all but when I read this I really saw it under a

(Feige takes off mask Scooby Doo style, finds Bryan Singer) In all seriousness, wonder what he did. Correct me if I’m wrong wasn’t he accused of being a dick on a previous show.