The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

It was totally meddled by Feige at the very least. You could tell how some parts were edited badly esp in the first ep and the penultimate ep. 

I do wonder if Echo's success emboldened the powers that be to meddle more in finished products.

Yes you nailed it. They see the movie as the brand and not the comic hero as the brand. 

Ah yes. That was more of a chase scene vs dogfight but that would be the best to use for the ride. 

Johnson may never reveal exactly what the difference is between the Madame Web she signed up for and the one that made it to the screen”

It’s pretty much the only space battle in the entire show, so likely. 

There are agents and there is just plain common sense. 

This also you as an actor can ask your agents for more information or you know google shit. 

Obi Wan got a BTS special on Disney Plus

Wish those covers were better. Also wish the SW blu rays kept the menu themes from the Eps 1-6 releases with the different planets etc. 


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nothing and I mean NOTHING can ever top this:

Not sure if any article about this has been written but just from my knowledge of movie marketing (took a course in marketing in college), logos and trademarks go through a long long process and once they’re sent to the TM office that’s it. Companies generally want each product to have it’s own trademark, stand on

Let that jerk stay in the greys and obligatory.

different trademark issues for the TV shows which is why they get the pass. (you’ll notice that there was never as much variety of merch based off the pre streaming live action actions shows compared to the movies. maybe... an action figure here and there in small quantities but nothing like birthday napkins or socks

could be a mix of all. I trust Gunn’s writing capabilites but i do NOT trust Zazloff and company to make it to the finish line with that story intact. Will wait until we get closer to its actual release date before judgment.

agreed. I understand why it doesn’t work in film since people are rarely seen from top to bottom in frame, but Shuster knew what he was doing when he added the trunks to break up the blue. 

Given IGN’s previous “scoop” about KC being in Crisis and Batman the Caped Crusader proved to be BS for the latter according to Bruce Timm, I’m waiting for another outlet to cofirm.