The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

I think as others have suspected we’re getting a kingdom come story with a younger Superman where The world is filled with brash aggressive superheroes and even worse villains. Superman who still finding his place among these heroes then finds the courage to be the inspiration for good hence the legacy tag or former

The movie symbols unfortunately have to be different for trademark purposes. Same goes for almost every hero’s emblem with the rare exception of the Batman returns one.

Let hope that’s the last change and nothing else gets Flashed/Aquamaned or god forbid Batgirled before all is said and done.

I think the big issue is that muscles just don’t look as “cut” using plain cloth but I argue that we don’t need to see Superman’s abs 24/7 to know he’s strong. Reeve pulled it off well and yeah the asthetic for superhero costumes has gone down this route but the audience can accept it.

Hum, marketing/SEO team/Zazloff must have forced the name change. Guess it was easy since the first film was “Superman: The Movie” a la 1979' “Star Trek the motion Picture” vs 2009's “Star Trek.”

Logo looks good so far not as far down the Kingdom Come road as some feared. Can not wait for the full costume reveal.


Ghibili does what Fo-Wonka cant.

hell yes!

UGH damn you Cas Anwar and your pervy ways. Guessing we’re never getting an Alex figure.  :( 

She’s too old to play a preteen. They’re likely going to give her another role in the live action. 

A delayed game console is eventually good...

F these Confederates.

Instead Zazloff got promoted...

In this case when they were forced to make a story that lasts “seasons” and have shock value to fuel said seasons, it’s hard to fault them over the house of Zazloff. 

Love how times have changed. That same RDJ parody was featured in the Mel Gibson episode where RDJ is firing at the cops and shown to be a threat and Mel essentially is the best thing in Hollywood. 

Now playing

Yeah. It’s a shame that Leslie MAGA Moonves and his band of idiots forced the bullshit “edgyness” onto Discovery in s1. Once those pigs were removed and better writers were in place from s2 onwards, it’s been great, especially THIS moment.

Agreed and by all accounts he’s a good guy behind the scenes too. Need more of that in Hollywood.

All of this. He’s also said some pretty dumb anti union rhetoric during the strikes. 

the trailer mentions off and online multiplayer.

RIP Rocksteady. Cause of death AT&T+Zazloff+other idiots who don’t know how to run a game division.