The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

Would love to see Luke go toe to toe with Fisk and trying to keep “Switzerland” alive before realizing he needs to go back to being a hero for hire.

guarantee you we won’t due to those budget cuts. They are really cutting it close to Legacy’s premire. My guess they’re going to burn through the season fast. 2 hour premire weekly drop and then 2 hour finale for 8 weeks in sept. 

Agreed. they managed to get the animation done just good enough that it didn’t make the action scenes too bad. Jim Lee’s designs were not 90s animation friendly 

Wolverine, I leave you the wine cellar. Logan:

ticked off that Superman and Lois won’t come until the fall but at the very least that would mean, hopefully, the vfx, is not shoddy.

Come on Luke Cage season 3!!!!!!

Cyclops i leave you jubjub...I mean Legion.

the other issue is the trailer was not well edited. Wolverine’s dialogue does not match his lips in that one scene. (I hope that’s the case)

It’s tough because the animation of the original show was not superb compared to say BTAS and really took a nose dive in the final season so it needed the upgrade. At the same time I wish it was more in line with say Invincible than this 2d cgi that they’re going for. 

Now playing

the new animation is going to take a while to get used to but YESSSSS

yes but Spidey, MJ were just flat terrible and cartooney. They asked Hamill to do his joker voice and I could not un hear it ever. 

sexism and racism. The movie was far from perfect, but it was fun and one of the better recent Marvel outings. 

Craig would make such a better Magneto though. Those eyes behind the helmet will generate goosebumps. 

putting it close to Superman

God that show was such garbage. Really wished they had better casting and writing. 

the whole 94 crossover was such BS. JLA/Avengers on the other hand was a masterpiece

Same and it's more relevant given the current world political climate.

Can not WAIT to see more from this interpretation. 

They really need to consider making the MCU X-Men a Disney plus show. 2 hours doesn’t do the entire team justice. 

go as far and say granddaughter