The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

They’re throwing in the money to redub the cast with the OG voices if they weren’t there already. 

Yeah remember the Clone Wars movie/pilot got Sam Jackson and Christopher Lee to reprise their roles for one time.

something something the hierarcy is about to change...

No LMM? Of the newer films Moana has the best potential for good follow up story ideas. 

should have been a miniseries. The story set design and frankly the VFX esp the speed scenes were top notch.

get a life.

How are they going to top the locusts? 

and Gail Simone

The second they nail Magneto, doom and Galactus, they don't need to worry.

I see it as hey xbox owners you’ve got gamepass essentially at a discount. hey non xbox owners want these games pay up for gamepass with a little extra and a longer wait for exclusive games. 

lol moment.

He also claimed he was "drinking all night" before the arrest so I'm suspect about the rifles part...

Never forget

We don't know that either. I'm banking that's b.s. too. Once again you can't spell ignorant without ign.

No one likes you any more Justin. Why not just walk away and show how “edgy” you and your anti vaxx wife are

Update, he didn’t record Caped Crusader according to Bruce Timm:

debunked by Bruce Timm himself.

Bruce Timm debunked the Caped Crusader rumor: