
When they found that first device intended for Soros, some dipshit tried that “well, he should stop funding liberals and blah blah” and I was all, really, so funding speech you personally don’t like is worthy of execution without trial? Because we don’t do that here. Yet. 

Also, this is who they’re sending. When a news outlet covers a story they look at a list of people willing to come on and speak about the issue. This is who the administration has chosen to go out into the world and spread their message. I’m sure if the news outlet had their choice they would choose someone who would

This. You have to put these idiots up there and challenge them, because they sure as fuck aren’t having their lies challenged by the collaborators at Fox News or on conservative talk radio.

I dunno.. it seems like showing the public just how fucking unhinged and even more unhinged the GOP has become might be a public service.

His corruption knows no bounds. These’s this story, and one up on CNN about how Trump had a direct hand in canning the FBI’s plans to move their headquarters. If the FBI had moved, it would have freed up land that could be used to build hotels, which would offer competition to the Trump Hotel in DC. Trump couldn’t

Damn. You made me get my lawyer hat on for nothing.

This just in: Saudis sue Jamal Khashoggi to recoup losses on blood splattered room. 

Dick’s and Lincoln are sister companies, per the article; the original form had Lincoln on it, which tells me that the plan to sell the car to Lincoln to attempt to fuck over Ogle was in the cards from the beginning.

They have a criminal conspiracy or conversion law up there? Time to use it.


This shit is so fucking disgusting it kills me.

they get around it. requiring an ID that costs money is a poll tax, but try telling that to “constitutional originalists” who hate brown people.

Conservative groups in Texas are freaking the fuck out by the increase in voter registrations. Because more than a smattering of people are going to decide to vote, they assume something nefarious is afoot.

Poll taxes are banned by the 24th Amendment. 

You know, I wonder whether so much concern is expressed when these same seniors board a bus for a trip to the nearest casino.

We the State of Georgia are concerned your normal postal delivery driver has an invalid license. We are suspending service to your address until November 10th.

Bernice Hunley, everyone. In these anxious days, remember that smile. Because it’s people like her who are going to drag us out of this mess.

“No seniors at the Jefferson County senior center were denied their right to vote.”

HAHAHA which is literally what these people were stopped from doing.

Every hassled voter needs to sue the county and the care center for the hassle. No class actions; no arbitration - at the precinct/county and state level. Repeatedly for different particular violations until either election board and the administrator go broke or have completely tied up schedules.

Un-fucking-believable! These assholes are concern trolling over a fucking bus driver? What’s next? “Oh, sorry ma’am, but those shoes you are wearing really don’t have enough grip on the sole and allowing you into the polling place would mean risking a fall. Go on back to the senior center now.”