It is 100% guaranteed that if you don’t play this game, when KH4 rolls around you will not understand a single thing in the story, a dozen characters will be unfamiliar and you’ll have to watch a 4 hours explainer just to catch up.
It is 100% guaranteed that if you don’t play this game, when KH4 rolls around you will not understand a single thing in the story, a dozen characters will be unfamiliar and you’ll have to watch a 4 hours explainer just to catch up.
Meh.. people were speculating Sega would get back into the console business, instead we got tiny useless gamegear gotchapongs and some updated firmware for arcade machines.
[citation needed]
Of course, Nintendo execs are among the stereotypical old-guard, short-sighted, myopic dinosaurs who firmly believe they can bend society to their will.
Cerny’s presentation was very interesting. I recommend watching it if you’re at all interested in some of the more nitty gritty details, and the reasoning behind Sony’s decisions.
They can do it because the software industry has long since differentiated between a normal workstation and virtualized hardware, especially when you own one and not the other. I am not saying that is right, but it gives them the flexibility to restrict running the software on virtualized/remote access systems and…
Maybe someone can explain to me why these publishers can actually do this.
(Sees a Kotaku article)
It’s funny how Epic talks about being against Valve’s “anti-competitive” practices yet are quick to make all of these games exclusive to one storefront meaning there’s no competition. Can’t really have it both ways. The only people winning in all of this are the publishers cashing all of these checks from Epic.
Nice job as always, Jason; thanks for confirming a lot of what we all feared. A game that was rushed out and built with a toolset that at the very least wasn’t an ideal fit. And not learning from Destiny’s missteps because they couldn’t talk about Destiny is pretty galling.
I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.
This was slightly depressing to read, it’s like almost nothing can be recycled...
“for Apple devices”
Huh! Pretty cool! But can you really not use a Dualshock 4?
Which is the absurd part to me. It is far more absurd than tipping at restaurants (which has its faults as well) because they are literally just doing their job and can’t really provide you better service. We are all aware of a good server in a restaurant vs a bad one, I can’t say I ever really know the difference…
Yeah that’s what I do, from the minute I arrive to the minute I leave the “Do Not Disturb” sign is up. I’m not six years old, I am capable of keeping a tidy room for a few days. Plus I’d rather them not move my things around when maybe I have a system they’re screwing up.
Why aren’t you always running the latest version of Chrome, anyway?
Because humans, collectively, are fucking stupid.
Because humans, collectively, are fucking stupid.
Fortnite finally got too big for them to ignore.