TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

I think at that time it was quite an eye-opener. Today, men wouldn’t even notice. Housework is the norm, childcare typical, work old hat. We’d wake up, iron our shirts, fix our breakfast, dress the kids and get them to school, go to work and come home to cook dinner and then read the kids a story after getting them

I say thank you to my boyfriend all the time. One of my favorite quotes (and a phrase which I find personally meaningful) is “There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.” Bf put a dish in the dishwasher? Thank you. He remembered to feed the cat? Thank you. He picked up my package from the front office? Thank

Interestingly enough, Icelandic men pulled the same stunt the following Monday.

Lady, I didn't like you then, and I still don't like you.

I agree with you but I don’t understand why whenever someone refers to “sex sells” it’s always followed with a sadly or an unfortunately... We in America are so tightly wound around the concepts of sexuality and nudity that it gets funny after some time. Men enjoy seeing women nude or nearly nude, that doesn’t make

Ah fuck, there he goes again... Bing! Get off Erykah’s phone!

It’s the 40th anniversary of the movie version of the play. Though why Fox is doing the show in 2016 is beyond me.

Maybe she just really likes Baby Ruths.

I think something is getting lost in the translation

Who is Jenny Lewis?

In the meantime, [Mila]’s hiring a “granny nanny” to watch Wyatt

Honestly if I didn’t read Jez I would have no idea who this woman was. Which is probably the same as a lot of GQ’s readership.

But it looks like it was about to be...

That would be Time The Avenger.

“Adele”? More like “Mehdele”.

“The person operating my legs at the time was not authorized to do so and does not kick/trip for me. Kicking/tripping of refuges carrying children is not one of my core values.”

Your mom is so sexually liberated that she is proud of not conforming to the patriarchy’s preconceived notions of feminine modesty and chastity, so she has a lot of sex with various partners and makes her own choices about when to use contraceptives.

I was wondering if anyone would get that.

Just be proud of yourself for even trying. Seriously. So many people never even bother. My mom yo-yos a lot, but that’s helped her find what works for her. Thanks to all that work, she’s really healthy for a 50-something- and when she started it was because she was obese and unhealthy in her 30s and her doctor told