TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

I’m sure. The interesting thing about this was the amount of time served. One person got 9 years for killing her husband. The other got 10 years. That is not even adequate for stabbing someone to death.

Seriously, how dense would someone have to be to miss all of that irony...

His whole fucking point is that when a man *does* bring up the fact that domestic and sexual abuse is not a women’s issue only, people like you either choose to ignore it or accuse him of dismissing the struggle of women.

I don’t disagree with you, but am also curious what you think the conversation should sound like. I don’t think male victims of domestic violence should be made to feel invisible and much of the infrastructure around DV victims excludes men, but because this is a problem that affects women disproportionately, the

I’m definitely a woman, and that phrase makes my asshole clench tight enough to uncork a wine bottle. My dude is very expressive about & connected to his feelings, and sometimes that is frightening for a person who's not particularly expressive (that would be me).

Preach: There was a Jezebel piece not so long ago on cheating and when commenters talking about how they stole or vandalized their ex-boyfriend’s property, they were applauded.

That’s why laws like this are stupid. Value is subjective. End of story.

It's not just guys who get jaded by cheating exes

1. Find out she’s been cheating.

I replied further down the thread that I skimmed that part, and anyway, I do apogolize for that. I still think her comment about men wasn’t limited to abusers, but just unhealthy relationships in general.

Dude... just stop...

I thought Minaj’s rant was pretty laughable since the interviewer gave her enough room to say, “nah, drama is uncomfortable.”

How do you claim to beat every man

I do agree with the media getting wood every time she says something; it’s rather nauseating at this point...

The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.

Thank you.

In women’s locker rooms, male reporters have to leave before the women get undressed and take their showers.

No person of the opposite gender should be allowed in the locker room.

God, it must really be awful for those creators to have a bunch of people on the internet making assumptions about their intentions and criticizing them publicly. Good thing it’s only on twitter though, imagine if there was a whole app, just for that!

This is interesting historical analysis, but you’re missing a key pseudoscientific reason why people thought pregnancy by rape was impossible — dating back to medieval times, many medical experts thought that a woman had to orgasm as well for their to be conception. They thought that both men and women had “seed” and