TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

Probably for the first time in the history of Gawker, both the writer and the collective comment section go at bat in favor of an allegedly cheating Republican politician, calling rumors baseless, where they would normally shrugged their shoulders and took them at face value. Isn’t this usually one of those Nelson

“1.1Take the place of (someone in a position of power) illegally; supplant:”

“This is about women usurping men”

You know the difference between an adjective and a noun, don’t you? I was using female as a an adjective (female cast) not as a noun ( casting females). Even if you’re from Alabama, come on girl, basic English!

That is only if you assume, that *every* criticism about the reboot of the Ghostbusters franchise is rooted in sexism, which it is not, imo. You should be able to criticize a project involving women, without being labeled a misogynist per se. That is my point.

Bad Blood or no Bad Blood, that is the question.

The original Gostbusters cast is also loved by their fans, but that is not the point. You can remake the movies by casting an all female cast just like you could remake Hunger Games with a male lead, it’s irrelevant to the storyline.

by that logic, the only way to remake a movie would be to remake it with a female lead, no matter what genre. You can always claim, that men are overrepresented in movies.

I somehow sense, that you will never be “accidentally” a bitch to someone.

Twenty years from now, if someone tries to reboot the Hunger Games franchise with a male lead, all the Katniss fans would freak out as well. If you remake a movie franchise that is revered by fans with a whole new cast/director, giving it a new direction, you will always face criticism.

“So even if he took, say, 40% he’s probably taking her money”

Yes isn’t it? No pouting, no duckface and not a trace of collagen. Different times.

Bingo. Here they are in all their glory, looking much more real than the Kardashians, imo

I imagine him like this

Could someone explain to me, why the video of a woman trying to attack a guy in an elevator was a “cultural milestone”? What kind of culture would that be and would it be worth living in it?

Yes, The Boos, they are the shit!

The Boos = The Boss

I get the feeling that Bernie Sanders would not suck up to any celebrity du jour, just to appear hip and up to date, even though I can totally see The Boos supporting Sanders. Just listen to ‘The Ghost Of Tom Joad’.

Why is it, that 90% of all comments deal with the fact that the University did not cancel the game, instead of focusing on the despicable POS who committed a crime that cost at least three lives. If this had been a simple DUI by a male college athlete of this University, you would have used that as just another