TL;DR *eyeroll* 2.0

Incidentally, that’s exactly what i say every time an attractive woman with otherwise moderate capabulities shows up on tv or the internet and would you believe it, every single time I get called out for my sexism! Strange, huh?

So, #MasculinitySoFragile is good, helpful and should be supported, but a tv show which, at least judging from this Deadline synopsis, deals with exactly what this twitter hashtag purports to document, is shunned and should be criticized?

You’re one comment late with weaseling out of a somwhat untenable position. There’s no shame in conceding a point.

“I don’t think most people start with smashing up stores.”

At what point, in a constitutional democracy, should people end with smashing up stores (and not being held responsible/liable for their actions)?

Joyce Mitchell, the woman who helped two killers escape a maximum-security correctional facility earlier this summer, has been sentenced to at least two years in prison.

So they give ‘life sentences’ to celebrities for domestic violence for publicity reasons only, while letting non celebrities with the most chequered pasts into the country indiscriminately? I guess, when you say ‘people’ started calling for a ban you really meant a bunch of activists with twitter accounts who are

Alex and the other female students compete physically, mentally and as detectives alongside men.

John Boehner - man of a million miserable mugs.

Your answer doesn’t make more sense the second time around. The actors of the original cast did not decide to cast themselves for this movie. The director and producers did and made the pitch to them, bc they apparently don’t trust the new cast to sell the movie all by themselves.

Australia denied a visa to Chris Brown because of his history of domestic violence.

The PR for the new Ghosbusters movie centers around the fact, that they reassembled the original Ghostbusters cast. That doesn’t sound like a vote of confidence for the new cast. If you don’t trust them to sell the movie on their own, why bother making a remake/reboot?

My ‘problem’ is, that I rooted for Maslany to win for her outstanding acting in Orphan Black after being completely ignored the last two years and got beaten down here for my perceived racism, simply bc I didn’t go with the program of automatically rooting for the POC in the competition. I never said anything negative

So, it’s basically Baby Mama with a role reversal in a late 80’s early 90’s setting, including really shitty music from way back then. Vividly remember that time period, uuhg! I‘m gonna pass.

Please, no one handed driving!

That wasn’t the question. Why hire the original cast while proudly proclaiming to reboot the franchise with an all female cast? For me, it’s a cheap ploy promoting a ‘feminist’ version of Ghostbusters while still pandering to the fanbase of the original movies and cast. Some movies simply don’t need a remake.

The actors? They’re professionals who get paid for acting. This is not High School.

I don’t think so. Look at both Lopez and Hogan and see if you can spot the difference!

Seriously, what’s the fucking point of having a ‘reboot’, when you also hire all the available original cast? That’s like casting a new Bond actor and then add all the other former Bond actors to the new movie. Just tells me, that you don’t trust the new guy(s) to carry the movie by themselves.

I can feel ya, Jennifer Lopez. It’s creepy when someone tries to shop your sextape to the media against your will, for all the world to see.