
Just hook it to my veins!

I don't remember them talking about her father at all in any real capacity. Do you have a particular scene in mind?

I don't think we know enough about Joan's dad to know that he left her nothing but a name.

Eddie: "If everybody around her already knows, how much more danger can we put Iris in by telling her?"

Sure, they should definitely do that.

The problem with torture in fiction has less to do with the intrinsic morality of the characters and more in that it buys into the inaccurate and troubling narrative that torture is effective. In real life, people still lie when tortured, often to just make the pain stop, and so torture is both immoral and a waste of

One of the timeline changes was that Cisco went to his brother's birthday and then later to a bar because Weather Wizard was caught. This lead Snart to track Cisco to Cisco's brother and then kidnap Cisco from the bar. With Cisco's help, the Rogues were able to attack the casino.

I'm pretty sure that even in the world of the show, electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not a physiological thing, or at the very least Chuck doesn't have it. His attachment to that space blanket is akin to that of a security blanket, and he depends on it more and more under stressful conditions. Furthermore, Chuck's

Yeah, it just reminded us of it since the mid-season break.

It was pretty practical in the early days of the CIA, it's just not practical by modern standards.

10-1 odds the Marvel Universe 1946 VP is evil.

That's a deep cut.

I understood the point of the scene, but they used the one cipher where it would make absolutely no sense. A pad is actually a book of randomly generated letters. The sender has a copy and the receiver has a copy. Each page is used to encrypt and decrypt one coded message and then is thrown away. Without the pad it is

Pedantic rant time.

Anyone else think that Cisco's MMA moves and using soundwaves as a weapon was bringing him one step closer to becoming Vibe? All he needs to do now is fall into a vat of breakdancers. Can't. Wait.

Join Us is pretty ok, even the tracks I don't really like on that one have grown on me and work in context, I really don't think it's that much better than The Spine though. Mink Car is a really solid album beaten down by tragedy. The Else is a pretty weak album, but at least it had the good sense to spread their

I was skeptical about this after Nanobots was a pretty big disappointment (save for the first couple of tracks and smaller moments here and there, but so much of it is a tedious pandering drag). But I like "Erase", and I really want to be excited about TMBG again, so fine take my $30. But disappoint again and we're

That works too, though the reason she looks like a scarred Agent May is because it's awesome (and to give the audience a shorthand for her being evil May).

Because it's awesome. But the textual reason is that the electric shock fused the mask to her face and surgically removing it would… uh… hurt? Yeah it doesn't hold up to any scrutiny. Even if her real face is permanently scarred they live in a world with weird biomasks, there's really no reason for her to look like

So no commentary on the PTSD metaphor on Veteran's Day?