
Can’t argue too hard with that conclusion either.

“TERF war”

I love it

In a vain attempt at the correct take, it’s not a huge leap to infer some of the stuff in this article but it’s also not really the worst thing any middle aged white man has said on the subject.

I’m no doctor”

What makes it worth it, as with anything he does, is Charlie Brooker’s incredible knack for a turn of phrase.

I’m just sick of seeing her given the oxygen of publicity.

Don’t let a little thing like expert opinion or experience sway you.

Stop. Talking. About. Her.

Dumb and bad take.

Or you could take it on the chin and say, "yeah, sorry, that was inappropriate armchair psychiatry."

Good for you for being brave enough to diagnose someone as having a personality disorder despite not knowing them personally or, very plainly, being a psychiatrist.


Huh - I always thought the second part of that lyric was “a coconut cream”.

He’s the voice of Sniff in the Moomin re-releases. It doesn’t make Sniff sinister - it makes Mads cute.



Crystal Meph is one hell of a drug. One minute you feel like you have all the power in the world and can travel through time. The next, you feel like you’re burning in the pits of hell.

Hepburn only killed two people in cold blood so that’s not enough to garner the “serial” aspect of the title. All the others were considered manslaughter.

It’s also low-res as all heck.

He was a pretty awful fellow.