Pete Molski
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Back when Condemned came out on the 360, I was having a rough time with some of the creepier sections of the game.

“Mr. Dolan obviously wants the Rockettes to be represented at our country’s Presidential inauguration, as they were in 2001 & 2005. Any talk of boycotting this event is invalid, I’m afraid.
I will reiterate that if Hillary Clinton was the President-elect, nothing would be different, and there would probably be

I dunno, enduring eight minutes of that song could be interpreted as a slow death.

A reminder: Evangelion owes most of its existence to Ideon, and their production histories are eerily similar.

A robot anime that is deconstructing cliches about its genre is hit with severe budgeting issues. It’s cancelled early, but they manage to do a compilation movie, followed by the “real ending” movie a short