
But you do have to make money for it to not fall under fair use

Great, they can get two Cease and Desist orders instead of just one.

I’ve shut down some pretty cool job opportunities because of “unlimited PTO” over the last year. I’ve known quite a few people in the industry who have dealt with it and there isn’t one good thing about it for an employee.

It’s not worth the bigger paycheck when my vacation can (and inevitably will) be cancelled at the

A lot of companies have a “use it or lose it” policy with a cap on how much can carry over from one year to the next, as well as how much they’ll compensate you for leaving with unused time...if at all.

Most companies I know of won’t let you bank more than 5 days.

You have zero tolerance for buzzwords and know how to cut through the hype. [...] You are the sort of person who always knows about the latest hot influencer or viral game”

Lol, I live in Jersey City and commute to NYC the prices of NYC are so obnoxious and laughable on almost every aspect compared just a Path Train trip away here in Jersey City. Only affordable places I really eat in NYC is generally Chinatown or Street vendors.

Do you wanna be paid a salary that would barely get you by in Ohio but for a job that requires you to work in New York? Hit us up!

Which is why having to be in NYC is so funny. 55k would do pretty well in some areas beyond the east coast. And you’ve likely bring in some new perspectives with it.

willing to follow some dudes on Twitch

I used to own an Atari and am willing to follow some dudes on Twitch.  Perfect employee material.

It's especially odd because most of the G/O writers (AV Club, Takeout, etc.) work out of Chicago, not New York. Kotaku specifically even have writers that live outside the US. IIRC, they also have writers who live in PA and GA.

Hopefully the desk is extra big so you can sleep under it.

There must be a hidden protocol addendum to the collective bargaining agreement that mandates everything be typed up locally in NYC on an Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter before being put into an OCR scanner and uploaded.

C’mon, Spanfeller’s real estate company would love to rent you a North Jersey apartment for a reasonable price. From there, you can always count on Metro North to keep the trains running on time, right? Right?

Yeah, your lack of telecommuting option is really backwards, shortsighted, and really hurting your talent pool. Good luck with bringing people to work in one of the most expensive cities in the world! 

The good news is that once you work for G/O you can make as many spelling and grammar errors as you want in your posts.

Yeah, I just don’t feel as though the job requirements resonate with me. I prefer an environment that allows for my creative output to synergize with that of team members for whom brand identity is paramount, allowing us all to more easily reach users of the website, as well as content creators and influencers who

It would cost me $30,000 a year to move from the DFW area to NYC. I’d really enjoy working for Kotaku, but most writers would lose money by accepting either of those jobs.

55k in NYC? You'll be living with the homeless for that little pay.