
Also, there is no “handbook” for what should pass inspection. It is up to the shop’s discretion as to what they feel is good enough.

See!!! Jeff Foxworthy was correct. Rednecks ain’t confined to the American South.

It runs like a bull. Doz’er some fast tractors!

Enough about the BMW X7, can we get back to the tractor now?

This article is really the shits!

Challenger? Looks more like a ram

I have to say, I developed a HUGE amount of respect for these early Atari devs in my senior year of college. My CS final project was to help add CRT-style artifacts into the 2600 Emulator Stella. Since we wanted to do this right, and not just fake up a pretty fragment/vertex shader combo, we went looking at how other

There’s a bit of a Gulf between that and these designs though ;) 

I agree that the Xterra driver was likely distracted but I don’t think the logs shifted backwards. It’s just the way they were loaded, overhanging the rear of the trailer. That’s what the orange flag on the end was for, to warn motorists, which it clearly failed to do.

I am getting an idea for the next Jason Drives. 

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

Abby’s database is really just a link to jalopnik.

The wheels can be quickly swapped, and the hood scoop can be removed. You may even be tempted to make this car look tasteful and close to stock.

Well shit. That sure beats all the crap that my son, his scout troop and I pulled out of a ravine yesterday as part of the Clean Your Streams day. Seven plus tires, broken bikes, scooters and 20+ bags of garbage. It was nasty  

“You can’t drive, 55"


There are two kinds of fire hydrants in the world. Wet barrel hydrants and dry barrel hydrants.

This whole post is disrespectful to recovering Volvo addicts. Maybe you don’t understand this, Max - but recovery is a process. Some of us are better with temptation than others.

So... This: