
I wish my truck pooped out Porsches

Last week I lost my keys. Found them two days later. We didn’t “lose” Senna, he died. There’s a finality to death we don’t like to face, still, it is the ultimate honesty. Perhaps, if we write directly about the death of racers and eschew euphemisms, we might end up saving lives, lives of people we love.

When i was 10 years old my dad had a special invite to a yankees dinner that was for the players and coaches to hobnob with the local well-to-do. My dad was a layer for someone who in-turn invited him. I was a pretty shy kid so it didn’t take long for one asshole yankee after another to make me want to run away and

The UAW have themselves to blame. They have created a “Us vs Them” mentality between auto works and manufacturers over the years. The “I’ll take this company down if they don’t give me what I want” mentality is so ingrained in the UAW membership, why on Earth would any auto manufacturer want them? Why did the lose

Are you tired of cleaning your race car windshield the old way?

I took the shell off my racing snail, thinking it would make him faster.

Imma grab some popcorn, brb!

....You realize you posted this comment on a website dedicated to reporting the news to the exact type of people who would open such a garage, right?

I think I speak for everyone when I say MOAR BAJA BUG STORIES!

pppfffffttt I’ve been wrecked in way more countries then that in a weekend.

This, however, was fine.

It has been too long from last time when car on the pic has more aftermarket parts than a lovely lady.

My only question to her, “What time is it?”

What really caused the accident; she tried to signal a lane change, became confused that there are no turn signals in a BMW, then fell under the hypnotic rhythm of the windshield wiper...

Wow, this hits close to home. For my grandmother’s birthday, 4 years ago, she insisted she wanted to go 90 at 90. So I got her on my Dad’s goldwing (my sportier bike would have been a little tougher) and we did it!

When I go for long solo rides, I ride with one earphone in that has podcasts on (just speaking - no music). I find it keeps me entertained and doesn’t interfere with safety. I can still hear the cars, people, other bikes, etc.

I consider music to be hazardous to my health on the road. It reduces my ability to hear traffic.

Do not wear headphone when riding a bike.

Young, cocky Air Force officer pulls up to an apartment building to pick up a blind date in his shiny new E-Type.