I prefer a Trident myself
I prefer a Trident myself
And then when energy shields are developed they will pull the A-10 out of retirement because BRRRRRRT!
The Force is strong in this one!
I live in chigger-country and appreciate being able to go outside my house without being eat up with bug bites. Also: snakes love high grass, so I’d also like to walk in my lawn without fear of stepping on one of those as well. Lastly, I like to actually go outside and do stuff and not have ass-high grass all around…
By 2020 the hook will be your seat.
Honking really blows.
Those birds never expected the Spanish Indyquisition.
Rear end steering wasn’t a factory option, but if you add enough options (supercharger, heads, etc) it becomes an option.
The steaks were high, driving a car of this value.
Why is NASCAR so complicated? Setting aside the technical regulations for the cars, the race itself is quite simple.
There is always some schmuck in a Kinja thread who’s gotta tie every asshole behavior back to our Commander-in-Chief. Frankly, that’s getting old.
The problem is that you’re on track with a bunch of other people. The dirty little secret of track days is that lots of people there aren’t technically insured while on track.
Good series. As I watched today, I felt compelled to ask. Would you agree that the vehicles you pull parts off of in the salvage yard are in better condition than the vehicles you choose to rebuild and drive to Moab?
Depends: are you filming? If so, body. (send us the footage)
It’s funny cuz the Jax metro (where Amelia Island is) has the area code 904.
I’m going to have to pitch in here and it’s not something a UK citizen should do. You don’t talk about other peoples’ politics, you don’t talk about their religion - you work with it. You shouldn’t comment about other peoples’ countries without experience.
Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders
Wrapped in three sweaters, sitting there on the bus in Olean waiting for the game to get over, the driver heard on the radio rumors about the new Ambassador to Canada. Sarah put down her coffee mug, cranked up the engine, snapped on the lights, and eagerly made a dash to the border to get started ambassadoring.
Welp, that’s the pits.