
That was very nice. Bravo. I especially like the way you highlighted the value of being good and nice, and the futility of being catty.

That sounds like a balanced diet, to be fair

Finally, a fellow arithmetician. As usual with science, too little too late.

To be fair to both Mom and the cat, they probably should have let it out a while ago. The poor thing has been in there since 1935. Unless that is a very special quantum jump I fear a pile of bones and some very dried up furballs.

That was a well written article (thanks), and I hope I don’t sound anti-science, but before we start patting ourselves on the back and hugging our inner cat ladies over this shouldn’t we at least consider that the cat has been in the box since 1935? I think consulting a biologist or a veterinarian might be a wise move

It sounds like the police overreacted as well, but that security guard needs to be beaten properly. Especially with the fatter Americans, security types often crave the cruelty their pathetic smidgeon of authority allows them to inflict.

This could be a useful tool in popular science education. Hopefully this study will enjoy mass exposure.

In Grade 11 math class Debbie Krywynachuk and Nancy Nakayama used to turn me on my head, and that was just 2 bodies.

A fair defence of his comment, but it does show what a putz he is. A man in his position with his claims to knowledge and even wisdom that obviously worships his own inestimable genius doesn’t know that barnacles don’t just grow on boats, and didn’t for the majority of their existence. The man is a spastic Assburger

Well put. The only people that seem surprised when spazzy rich white dorks with power spazz out and have a diaper filling fit is other spazzy white men that worship the former and only wish they could go full Michael Douglas (in “Falling Down”), and make the world pay for not recognising their unique genius. Musk is

Agreed, but it’s sort of funny he committed professional suicide doing it, and he has a point about those voluntary anxiety issues: that’s mostly just panty wetting emospastics who weren’t told to STFU enough as kids.

This is just another salvo in the war on fat, lazy rich white men. If slaveholders had treated the slaves as badly as Calgray Airport treats Lexus drivers..................and don’t get me wrong, there’s very nice people on both sides.

Now, now. He has apologised, and lots of people love his more recent standup comedy. I find him a touch angry, but it all seems sincere enough.

Bravo. Well put. Just to insert some ageism, perhaps Yttrium is young enough not to know any better, and young enough to think she’s always right? ;)