
And the climactic final boss, after having expended the effort of trying to make someone as memorable as Raoh by just making Raoh again (he's even his goddamn twin brother!!!!), is…a guy that Ken fucked up once upon a time who's real sore about it. Truly the high note the series deserved.

I've got a real heavy rep! They write about my raids in the thinkpieces.

Sounds like something a real low-class bopper would say.

On average, I skip Fist of the North Star after Raoh dies and Ken and Yuria ride off together.

Speaking of, for the PROPER Watchmen prequels, I recommend seeking out the Watchmen RPG materials, which were overseen by a younger Dave Gibbons and approved, personally, by Alan Moore himself. Fantastic stuff - VERY fortunate to have them on my shelf.

He took an early retirement.

q-pa never got any upvotes
saving the world from solomon grupvotes

>skipping Mozgus

You mean that's not how it ended?

I hadn't thought of that alternate ending (or is it a continuation? Here I am, rambling again) before, but I do now for sure. Brandt seemed like too good of a guy to be involved with the scumlords he was involved with.

Qunari terrorists?

But then you miss the most telegraphed "this is how you're supposed to feel" twist of all time when a character enunciates "Frrrrrraaaaaaaaank Fontaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiine"

I know what you mean, he really was a lot like the pale stranger (who kind of retroactively reminds me of Varys now?) but not nearly as foreboding.

WHAT THE FUCK!? -spraying vomit as he says this-

All right now, for all you posters out there in the big Onion, all you web people with an eye for the action, I've been asked to relay a request from the AV Club Commentariat. It's a special for the Social Justice Warriors, that real problematic bunch from Tumblr, and I do mean the Social Justice Warriors. Here's a

Welp, my recent '80s-early '90s nostalgia obsession just got a new visual to pile onto it.

It's on the Playstation Network for the PS3 and (I think) PS4. I play it all the time since I downloaded it.

This thread reminds me of a conversation some friends and I once had about some more spurious cenobites, using the lame hybrids from Hellraiser 3 as a jumping off point - specifically the one who was a chain-smoker in life, so now as a cenobite she…burns people with cigarettes.


All of the -itises and a few of the -osises.