
I was thinking Zach Braff.

I forgot all about that particular line until now.

I made a face like when you bite down on a lemon without meaning to or being aware of it until that moment.

Would you say…leather daddy?

You're standing right now with nine posters from 100 fandoms. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore commenters. Forty-thousand, counting gimmick accounts, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to post: 60,000 posters! Now, there ain't but 20,000 spambots in the whole site. Can you dig it?

If followed minute by minute, it would still approach two hours.

He's very Leone in that way, where he lets a scene just build and an inattentive or dull viewer might call it "nothing happening", when in fact the entire climax to the movie is happening RIGHT THERE.

Look at me.

…and stop calling them the Shirleys.

It's threatening because it's bigger than a normal hat.

Definitely the Baseball Furies. Those frightening fucking ghouls.

Don't you think I'd already own it if I knew

Easier than just lugging around 900 pounds of horseshit to the nearest settlement in hopes of finding the right thing to make your gun better, a la Fallout 4?

Video games are finally over.

Please, God, just kill me now.

Or Violent Shit?

Pagliacci the Tearjerking Clown

Holy shit.

As you Wishmaster.