
I remember, a long time ago, a friend of mine told me that there would be a theatrical cut re-release.

I know I'm probably way late to this party, but Godfellas always, always, always succeeds in bringing me down. It's really fucking affecting, it always has been to me, but not in the emotional gut-punch way of Jurassic Bark, nor in the surprise sentiment of Luck of the Fryrish. It gets me in a…philosophical way,

I've never been more aroused in my entire goddamn life.


When i read "Hayden Christensen with a drawl", I instantly though "From mah pointa view, the cowboys're evil!"

Well, see, what my fanfic presupposes, is…

Thanks, Thants. Thhaannts.

Waiting for Hand of Godot

Yeah, it wouldn't be the first time God's been a homicidal racist dick. Just the first time in a long while.

I don't care about Lucille any more.

Cum and sodomy?

Do you remember how many breads you've eaten in your life?

—Last words of Lee Harvey Oswald

How're the flipper hands treatin' ya?

"This is your left, that's your left!

Absolutely fair.

Listen to this humble Gary, for they are filled with wisdoms

are you fucking my teeth right now oh my god, i desperately need

Unlikely. He's a professional dick hunter. He craves dick…as we all do.

Someone upthread posted the dad's monologue in the bar and