TK Mack

I'm a technical writer/editor, too! I used to work on renewable energy content as a government contractor, but now I edit corporate research for CIOs about how they should run their IT function. I was a lit major in college, and I know NOTHING about technology. If it's something you want to get into, you should

Why do you hate women so much? I just scrolled through your most recent comments and they're all about how fat women are whiners, a female lead in an action show will never work, the girls in Nigeria don't deserve to be saved and feminists are the worst for saying so, etc. Honestly, I'm tired just thinking about how

When you watch on Hulu, the tag that plays before the episode zooms in and then lingers on Haddie. Everything is lies.

Does anyone want to talk about the fact that he apparently has 1133 unread text messages? No? Oh, okay then. Moving on.

I love that last week they took the time to put the Latina lady Dana and Finn killed in Columbia Heights, but then filmed her approaching a stand-alone home with a yard. Seriously? Do the writers not know that Google has a results page for images too?

I love that last week they took the time to put the Latina lady Dana and Finn killed in Columbia Heights, but then filmed her approaching a stand-alone home with a yard. Seriously? Do the writers not know that Google has a results page for images too?