
+1 Good show

Well, you can do what the Chinese parents do... when their kids are smart, but didn't score high enough to get into top Chinese schools - they send the kids abroad. Hell, Norway's universities are free, even for foreigners.

Failing that, there is always a trade. HVAC technicians do very well, without the huge student

Who cares "ergo?" I followed both the US and Germany as my teams in the WC. I live in the US, but I speak German and have many connections there. Just like I follow multiple American teams. If she switched teams, you can certainly call that out. Say she switched to Argentina if they won... that would be as bad as a

Mike... drop. Are we talking xhamster or P-hub?

I am concerned about the 8th grade girls giving handjobs to their little brothers. Is that a thing?

1) The nicest car you can ever own is a paid for (and working) car. The second nicest is up for debate at Jalopnik.

She's kinda cute... I would let her twerk on me. Anyone else annoyed that middle schoolers can get so much nice teacher trim these days?

+1 First smile I had all day. God Bless you sir. Vielen Dank.

People making the "change the mascot to a potato" joke should be arrested for not realizing that joke has already been baked.

You are correct. Don't forget your negative Yelp review of a restaurant with a manager or owner that cares may get that staff member fired too. Besides, bringing attention to a problem is constructive - and if they solve the problem, you'll actually go back. How many times do you return to a place where you drop a

If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat there. If there is a reason not to tip, there is a reason to complain officially.

Rodimus Prime was HORRIBLE, but I will take him over the Sam Witwicky show any day.

But just because they are paying for that skill doesn't mean they get it. Running a company successfully requires an intimate understanding of how to exercise capital, how to pick good people to guide operations, and an understanding of PR. Few are good, even fewer are great.

Doesn't that happen now? Many companies I worked for brought in contractors who worked for half what I did, or for the same salary w/o benefits. Whole Foods CEO only makes 17 times more than the lowest worker. Even reducing the ratio to a double digit number would bring us in like with the rest of OECD countries, and

When I worked at Opera Software in Norway, the staff (janitors, cafeteria staff) got benefits just like the marketers and developers.

The private loan market sells loans at an interest rate based on your credit. If your credit is good enough to get a 2% student loan, why bother with government assistance in the first place?

And Weeks is wrong - because student loans in most cases cannot be defaulted, that lowers the risk - and there are plenty of

This sounds like it was written by Brian from Family Guy.

I love this song - then again I think he is singing about me. I think everyone who thinks that way doesn't mind the ubiquity of the song.

The police would rather bust speeders, drunks, and potheads. Applaud them when they do something useful. It makes sure they will keep doing so.

These guys don't just want to get laid, they want to date the hottest girl in the room - and f that bitch if she's not interested. They don't see women as people, they see them as fruit in the produce aisle - and if the best apples aren't available, then they are angry with the store.

I knew guys like this in