
Please. Facebook is great for keeping up with people in my life that I sort of like, but can't be bothered to call. Plus it allows me to see pictures of friends' children and accomplishments without them going through the trouble of emailing something out or me the trouble of opening that email. Relationships that

Then again, it is the American story. The Feds could never get Al Capone on the killings, the extortion, the kidnappings, the smuggling, or anything else. They finally got him on taxes.

Jones isn't calling you dumb, he is saying you don't care about the issues that matter. Decisions made by powerful white people like Sterling are destroying black prospects today, but the only time he gets negative widespread attention is when he tells his girlfriend to keep her black relationships private. That's

Social perception would encapsulate bartenders too. No one goes to Twin Peaks or Hooters for the quality of the pour.

It's nothing new in STL. One of my favorite bars did the same thing, Kearbey's (in the old Playboy Club next to SLU). The place was famous amongst the undergrads in town for Bump and Grind Wednesday. When more black kids started showing up to dance with the horny white college girls, the place went from having no

Screw you Barry. If the Chiefs make the Super Bowl, I AM GOING.