
I don't understand how they call these cars "off road capable" or "off road vehicle". Back in the old country our family had/has Gaz 2401 (Volga) and it did the same shit whenever we went to the mountains. Hell, last spring I did almost the same in my 05 Hyundai Elantra. Didn't even have manual transmission at my

When will you be when the diarrhea strikes?

Yeah, but when we're comparing it to a new 30k car we're talking about your year-around-any-road-conditions car. Would you DD this in Minnesota or Wisconsin? I don't think so.

Come on, let's be real. Whoever is in the market for a 30k car will not even look this way. Not even a Jalop. The insurance alone would cost you as much as montly payments.

Sedan and hatchbacks are body styles, and they have little to do with engine placement.

I don't think this qualifies to be called "sedan"

I'm not sure why nobody has mentioned this account yet.

Anyone to disagree is simply a fool. This is a car that practically saved Ford and gave birth to a whole new class of cars.

You're absolutely right, because every Jalop uses online dictionaries to define car types.

And that's why brakes are the first thing a person should invest into before going to the track.

#COTY - comment of the year.

I go to OSU and I don't get it either.

Who cares? Ugliest Alfa Romeo is still better looking that Best Looking Chrysler of the same time perioud.

There was this British car once....

Because this is AMRICA!

It sounds like an over-sized RC-car. Not worthy of the name Werewolf.

Hmmm and M3 collector and a Satan worshiper? Seems correct.

hahaha! Thanks!