
I don't want it to be another white guy either, but if it *has* to be another white guy, Tom Mison is probably available now (TBQH, my two actual favourites to be the Doc are nobody that's going to be revealed Sunday).

1. Warped Tour is sorta slicked-up corporate mall-punk — i.e. some marketer's idea of punk as long as they look funny and play double time and have the requisite amount of short songs. There might be individual bands that are listenable and maybe even good, but for the most part, not for me. Your mileage may vary (as

I actually sort of liked Ten Foot Pole, at least their first couple of albums while Scott Radinsky was still the group's lead singer (yes, the same Scott Radinsky that was a LHP, most productively with the White Sox and Dodgers). Admittedly that's a very different kind of "day job."

I tried to tell my GOP friends not to vote for this tacky, corrupt, incompetent person because this is exactly the kind of stuff we all feared would happen. But I live in Oklahoma, and being more than a bit left-of-center as I am is a one-way ticket to social pariah-dom (except for the college towns and the blue dots

Yes indeed!

Also: Both films are sorta based on factual events.

Tim Hunter was also responsible for 'Over The Edge', notable for a. The greatest teenage riot caught on film; and b. Matt Dillon's first film.

For me it was almost a pop culture-free weekend except for the new Doctor Who episode (it has been really good so far this season and I absolutely love Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts). Mostly the weekend was about the NBA Playoffs (even though my preferred team didn't make it out of the first round. I'm now hate-watching

Maybe so. I'm also reminded that this Administration also wants to defund (or at the very least privatise) the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which would put a big dent in PBS and NPR — which are also carried on public airwaves by TV and radio broadcasters who have to answer to the FCC).

But of course in the new reality of Trumperica, a comedian insulting the Dear Leader is punishable by an FCC that wants to play a bigger role in the New Authoritarianism — consider what the FCC desires to do to Net Neutrality. At least right now they're only talking about a monetary fine and not putting Colbert in

I'm one of those too. And mine's pretty nuts as you'll see. And when something does stick in my head I have to go scratch the proverbial itch and I wind up in iTunes land, or YouTube land … here's a Top 12 if you will (no particular order):

Just barely misses the cut because it was released in 1968, but as a '70s child (I turned 50 last week, FWIW) this song made me want to run and hide: Bobby Goldsboro's "Honey":…

I can't make up my mind if I like the 1966 Them version of "Richard Cory" (… or the 1986 version by Angst (…. Angst is a little more my generation, but Them's version is really crunchy. Of course, both songs are ineligible for this topic (grrrrr).


I'm hoping that The World At War (having been a UK production and all) will be added to the BritBox streaming service (haven't seen it since childhood, on PBS). There are a couple of WWII-oriented docs on there already (one of them about the BBC itself and how its reporting evolved during the conflict) but this

I long for the days of the Bass-O-Matic and Puppy Uppers/Doggie Downers.

The beaver jokes at 3:01 were from Tulsa NBC affiliate KJRH, and the house fire lady at about 7:36 was from Tulsa CBS affiliate KOTV. Clearly there's something in the water up in that part of Oklahoma. I blame fracking.

Comet is an OTA "between" channel that shows sci fi and horror stuff. It's run by a Fox-affiliated company, I think.

Thank you I am never gonna be able to unsee that!

If I'm not mistaken, because Fox network brass meddling, PLCL started going to hell in season 2 and by season 3 it shed a cast member or two and mutated into something like Diet 90210. This rendered what was once a "comedy" entirely unfunny and devoid of the sometimes inventive stuff (especially some of the camera