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    I agree. I'd settle for just a Live Arcade remastered Bushido Blade, even.

    Too bad you can't get an "immature" filter for online, though. I played all of one co-op game online before I remembered why I rarely venture on to Live.

    Nice one :)

    I've personally never been much of a DC comics person outside of some Vertigo, but damned if I'm not checking out Justice League Dark. Peter Milligan doing more Shade the Changing Man is enough for me. Maybe they can steal Bachalo away from Marvel for an issue...

    That's just the Adam Hughes covers (which I like, personally, but it's hard to resist the Audrey Hepburn-esque appeal); the interiors for the later part of the series were done by David Lopez and it's still really solid, good stuff.

    I like mushrooms...

    Stop gap, hell, I'll be getting this instead of Diablo III (once the OS X port comes out). After hearing about the necessary always-on connection and the auction house moneygrab, my interest in D3 fell off the map. It's been Activisionized.

    It was, I played the hell out of this game as a kid. Back then, I could actually beat it. I tried it somewhat more recently— on the Virtual Console, I believe— and it's tougher than I remember.

    Lol... Maybe they should have called it "Insanely Twisted Double Dragon".

    That sounds all too familiar, lol...

    I've got one of those Osborne "portables" in my closet. One of these days I'm going to mod it into a portable PC. Hopefully I can keep the original keyboard, it's pretty awesome.

    I wish it were a Mirror's Edge movie, then we wouldn't get another Spidey origin story retread.

    My first NES game was either this, "Kung Fu" or "Super Mario Bros". But my uncle was working at Federated at the time and we totally scored their floor model of "Kung Fu" at a discount. Man, I love that game.

    I suppose so. They're damn fun games, though. I pretty much only look at Metacritic when I'm on the fence about a game.

    Last year had Limbo, Hydro Thunder and Lara Croft. Those games are all awesome, IMO.

    At least it has a d-pad and four buttons.

    I'm in this camp as well. I more than got my money's worth.

    I still wish that this had come out for the 360. Although now that I have a machine that's capable of running it, I will have to give it a chance.

    I had this same thought not two days ago.

    Yeah, but Totilo hadn't mentioned it above so I thought I would throw it in.