LEGO: Transformers
LEGO: Transformers
I was watching Gangs of New York last night and I was thinking that mid-19th-century NYC would make a pretty great setting for an ACIII. Or a Grand Theft Auto prequel.
Bugginess would definitely be a negative mark. I don't play much multiplayer myself; I think I logged like 20 minutes in Brotherhood's, but I thought it was a cool mode of play, enough so that even now I think I might go back and give it another whirl. I agree there wasn't a lot in the way of new weapons but for one,…
A slap in the face why, exactly? It added some fun new features (recruiting assassins is pretty awesome), had a full, engaging story, and had a pretty interesting multiplayer to boot. Other than the fact that it came out rather quickly, the game itself didn't feel rushed. Several other people in this thread express…
Um, that's probably why they didn't call it "Assassin's Creed III".
My wish list is pretty long— and it doesn't include more Foo Fighters, Lady Gage or Ozzy— but I'd love to at least have some Velvet Underground. Just give me the "White Light/White Heat" album and we'll call it even.
I'd love to see Zep and Floyd as well, but neither are well known for licensing their music, unfortunately.
Well, that wouldn't explain why they've released an entire album and several other RHCP songs besides. And there have been a couple of Strokes songs in previous games.
I seem to remember the commercial for Scotland Yard being played all the time during Saturday morning cartoons in the eighties, and being implored to "help stop the mysterious Mr. X!" The ad made a big impression on me, anyway.
Nice, I think I'm going to check out both of the Xbox titles, I'm always down with a good beat 'em up. Sounds more fun than this map pack and costs me just as much :)
That's what I said. Apparently there's even a DS game... []
They should talk to Gearbox and get Duke in a COG suit.
But there must be some way around it, if you look at, say, the Cerberus Network stuff for ME2.
To kind of echo what other people have said, I would imagine that the PSN debacle skews this a bit. I had PSN just long enough to sync to Steam and play a bit of co-op, but the majority of my playtime has been since PSN went down, which was— what, the day after Portal 2 came out?
Agreed, Bushido Blade 3 almost made my list as well.
I agree, there are a lot of solid examples of titles that are not single-player-only, but the single player experience is definitely at the heart of it. Offhand: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, GTA, Red Dead, and Assassin's Creed stand out as blockbuster titles that aren't focused on multiplayer.
1 day - Bully II
I'd love to see Pro Skater 5 and an ME2. Sign me up.
Mostly White Russians with Monopolowa vodka (yay real potato vodka!) and Copa de Oro coffee liquer — not as syrupy as Kahlua; Sailor Jerry's rum with ginger ale; or some good old Johnnie Walker.