Agreed, the Hilde one stands out as the best IMO.
Agreed, the Hilde one stands out as the best IMO.
I just think it's understandable that people would be more apt to be sick of something that's been around for 15-20 years longer. If there is even a GTA:X in another fifteen years, I would guess people would be making the same comments about it as well.
Sure, but it's different with they've been doing it since 1981 (Mario) or 1986 (Metroid and Zelda) versus 2001 (Halo, GTA3).
I can't find the earlier thread, but someone claimed this didn't come with the Cerberus Network. Not so, according to their FAQ (which I checked because I was curious if I needed to download it to my Windows VM or just wherever)...
Ideally, sure, I would think that a lot of game developers would like to port their software to every possible device but that is an expensive proposition in terms of time and hardware costs. The Wii development kit alone costs around $2000 (and around $3000 for the 3DS). Then there's learning how to code on those…
Aw man, and I'm still all wrapped up in DA2! It may be time to take some time off of work...
That's because it is! You can see his sig on the embiggened version of the pic.
I normally don't have any flack to toss Totilo's way but this wins the award for the most pretentious post of the day. I don't know if I have enough hipster cred to be worthy of this game.
Is even Peter David's involvement enough to cancel out the fact that it's Activision?
If I thought the developer name was really that big of a deal I would still be playing Neversoft games and Blizzard games— but neither have put out anything that interests me in a long time. And since I hadn't played anything by BioWare before ME1 I don't really see how I can be a BioWare fanboy.
I'm having a lot of fun playing the game but I will agree that it's got more than it's fair share of bugs. Some off the top of my head:
The overwhelming focus on the multiplayer modes to the exclusion of the single-player modes— from DLC to overly-short campaign modes— are one of the main reasons reason that I no longer pick up FPS games. I don't have the time to devote to the multiplayer grind, but I would still like more than six hours of gameplay…
I think it's been announced for "sometime in October" for at least a couple of months. You have over six months to save up, though.
Agreed. And the guy who removed it replaced it with Thief because it was "the progenitor of the stealth genre" and we wouldn't have Splinter Cell without it. But come on, would you rather have Splinter Cell or Castlevania: SOTN and Shadow Complex?
Well, hell, that's not terribly surprising. In Origins it was mentioning things in the epilogue that hadn't actually happened in my game...
I am excited about this, and it— along with Heavy Rain— was one of the main reasons I picked up a PS3. I was a bit bummed to see the release date of April slip into the ether, but there's plenty to play between now and then I suppose.