Agreed with all of the above. "Friend codes" says it all. What genius comes up with this stuff?
Agreed with all of the above. "Friend codes" says it all. What genius comes up with this stuff?
Does this mean Neversoft can get back to work on the Tony Hawk games and maybe put out a good one for the first time since... what, 2003?
NBA2k11, and more NBA2k11. I think I'm addicted. Although someone else mentioned Chrono Trigger DS and I might have to go that route, too.
@p4w4rr10r: Hm, you're making me want to dig out my DS. Chrono Trigger was the last game I picked up for it and I've hardly played it. (Not that I've never played it, just not on the DS.)
@yanipheonu: Pretty much what people above said. I rented it and gave it a good four hours to try and get me interested and it failed. It looked pretty and had some interesting ideas but— I don't know. Do they need to reinvent everything about leveling and the way power sets and combat work in every single game?
@jayntampa: Agreed. NBA2k11 and Super SFIV, offhand, have several online achievements that I will probably never get.
@WolvenOne: Haha, I think I played it just the once through, personally. I found and fought the Weapons a few times but— as you said— a definite exercise in masochism, so I never did beat them.
@Mack: I loved Rad Racer. The 3-D mode was kind of "meh" but turning on the 3-D mode without the glasses was nice and trippy. Good memories, I couldn't say how many times through I beat that game.
It looks decent and sounds like it could be pretty fun, maybe it will show up on XBLA or PSN someday...
@Luke Plunkett: Ah, touché. I didn't know how much it had changed since... whenever I joined, and it was fairly stringent then. In context, the choice makes more sense.
@Luke Plunkett: At the same time, to some extent you may as well have just posted sales numbers for each one and call it a day, because the masses already voted with their wallets. The initial skew of the results seemed a lot more reflective of the attitudes that I had seen among the commenters throughout the GotY…
@TeamBlacula: Working my way through book 12 in The Wheel of Time series, lol.
After all of the GotY debate, I think I might start a new ME2 playthrough.
@azurianlight: Try this comment, for starters: []
@Pokeadot: It's a good choice and it's a game that's like no other. I have a friend who's a big movie buff but not big into video games, but we played some Heavy Rain together and he was really intrigued by it.
@shteevie: Civ 5 is a solid choice. A game you can easily sink a lot of hours into, and it has a lot of depth.
I continue to play a lot of NBA2k11, and I probably will for a long time to come. It's a fun game, greatly polished, and— nothing against His Airness— but it's got Clyde freakin' Drexler in it. It's deep, deeply replayable, and contains a lot of dramatic moments in reliving the Jordan challenges. But it is not my…
@tk.: Well if the system were able to find my comment for editing, I'd make that a little less snarky, but anyway...
You're wrong, Luke! My Shepard is the only true Shepard!
@acamas: I'm not trying to justify it, let alone desperately, I just thought it was an interesting comparison.