
His response to Amy Klobuchar was all I ever needed to know about him. I can’t even put it into words how disgusting it was (how disgusting he is as a human being). This is a man who when faced with pressure will fall on name calling, gaslighting, and mansplaining to talk his way out. Not even talk, just argue until

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski need to ask themselves, would I ever be allowed to act and look like this on national television? The answer is NO FUCKING WAY.

If a woman had behaved the way Belligerent Brett behaved yesterday she would be finished. That’s why like Dr. Ford, we’re all trained to be “nice ladies” who have to accommodate, demure and smile through all the horse shit thrown at us. 

There is no good place to post this but I kind of need to. I lost my heart dog today, most likely to cancer. He was still kind of himself, but he had stopped eating and we couldn’t keep putting him through different ways to support him and get him to eat while he starved to death. Both my husband and I got to be home

This ain’t her...

I think you need to chill. You have toddlers. You gotta do better and work smarter.

That was... an education.

They need to hire whoever is in charge of the Wendy’s twitter account. Or any number of fast food, Netflix, etc accounts that have been killing it the past year.

i’m getting some mileage out of this today...

Ivanka is flotus.

My genuine reaction every time I’m confronted with the fact Melania is FLOTUS:

Jon Favreau is literally crying into his Parachute sheets right now.

And, he’s down at Mar-a-Lago because of course he is.

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.

Counter-point: the lobster was shit.

Manchester by the Sea. Now that was a slow, character driven tale.

Is his name fucking Merrick Garland? No? FUCK OFF

For fucks sake, don’t want an abortion..........don’t get one!