
The "20GB upgrade" with the purchase is for one year... After the year is up, you're payin'.

@ptrader: I wasn't able to find this on Trend's site... Does SafeSync allow backing up of external (USB) drives? Multiple computers?

@neil125: "Does Carbonite allow backups of external drives?"

BTW, just noticed that Trend Micro has a "sale" on SafeSync for $29.95/yea ($2.50/month) instead of the normal $59.95/year.

From Backblaze: "The Backblaze service backs up all your data. We believe you should not need to worry whether you selected all the files you care about, put any files in a different location on your computer, or added any new files that may not be included in your online backup. Therefore, we automatically select all

Ah, I've ditched my landline exactly 3 times over the past 6 years... Followed by having it reinstalled a few months later exactly 3 times.

Tempting... I could comfortably visit 15 different locations in 30 days, and actually have some fun in each of them.

VOTE: LastPass

Sweet... I just registered "" for my wife.

So, Firefox has "almost" caught up with Chrome...

Kind of a lame "First Look" actually...