Which would you rather? An e30 m3 or a Porsche 911 964?
Which would you rather? An e30 m3 or a Porsche 911 964?
And with that, I suddenly have lost intrest in the mustang.
I'm just relieved that a hurricane isn't trying to murder my wonderful state of Louisiana for once.
As some one that lives in Louisiana, the land of the hurricanes, this is a great list. Though to provide a little bit of comfort to people over there, as long as you stay below or at a category 2 hurricane and you don't have a freak of nature like Issac (Stationary hurricane, fairly rare) you don't have to much to…
Not to mention Rams are considerably cheaper.
YES, YES, YES, AND JUST FOR GOOD MEASURE...YES!!! Having driven a 458 I can tell you the gearbox is amazing!! I would be willing to use a 458 as a daily driver too! (assuming service was covered.)
Jesus! I knew that the veyron was was fast but lord! I think I saw it bending the space time continuum!
jesus that looks scary
And soon the minis shall take over the world. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I think $kaycog just went 50 shades of gray on a ford gt.
Oh yeah because when you're getting the shit beat out of you I'm sure you won't fight back! No you're perfect!! #Here'sABoatOfSarcasm
There is almost no traffic on my comute and It's pretty fun, plenty of curvy roads, very smooth roads. I love my commute.
Well then that won't be any fun! I want to have the only one. I wan't people to see the car and go "There goes that american english teacher."
I won't have to pay for an apartment (The agency covers that) so all the more money for gas!
Really? Wow, I guess I could buy one here and have it shipped to where I would be. I would love to be the only person in a place like japan or norway with a mustang. Though I have a feeling getting parts would be a pain.
I'm wanting to be an english professor and also own a mini so I approve this!