You do know why it says Red Bull's right?
You do know why it says Red Bull's right?
I know it's so awesome!
That isn't over the top! It looks classy!
Oh lord you had one of the first cars of the second generation, I feel for you man. I got a 2006 one of the last first generation ones I love it and haven't had any problems with it.
Damnit you beat me to it.
Well they still make all the other cars. They just make the countryman to make money so they can make the other cars.
Well it depends on how you look at it. The civic is not a bad car at all. You can have a lot of fun in it. It was my car when I was a budding car enthusiast and I think it was perfect for that purpose. It wasn't that fast (If it was I probably wouldn't be alive) and it is a very easy car to drive (soft clutch with…
No if you are an enthusiast don't get a slush box civic. The only reason I had that civic is because my parents leased a car without consulting me first. That being said there are much worse cars than the civic. I would recommend a Mazda 3 or a mini. I drive a Mini now.
Give me ten minutes on a racetrack and I'd be willing to prove you wrong.
I hooned a leased slushbox civic and loved it.
I'm sorry but that was probably the most jalop thing ever written.
If you've never driven a mini then you have no idea what a fun front wheel drive car is like! (never driven the others though)
I know like Porsche, Lamborghini, and bmw! they only make cars for enthusiasts!
I don't understand what all the hate is about.
The hell did I just watch?
Dat Friction Fire!
That's not what their girlfriends thought last night! HEEEYYYOOO!
Looks like the evora and the ford gt had a crazy night