
Every summer, half of Chicago goes on vacation in Michigan because well, we want to see what the lake looks like on the other side. Also every summer Indiana decides to do a major roadworks project on I-94 because they resent all of us trying to get out of their state as soon as possible. So you craw along in traffic,

It’s BY accident you Midwestern hillbilly

Drew, Hillsdale College is one of the most conservative in the country, basically a Heritage Foundation incubator. Good quote but probably not a liberal pantywaist speaking there. Ok, I’m done being a nitpicking dick for the week.

Yeah, that’s so true. Yankee fans didn’t close down lower Manhattan for a parade each time they celebrated their team’s WS win with a payroll 3x bigger than any other team. When you win a great game and get your first Series in 108 years, it’s ok to celebrate. If you think Chicago has no good restaurants, good, more