Buzz Killington

Fuck you.

Jesus, Corvair rip-off much?

All you had to do was google it...

Vespas and Lambrettas were kick start only... don’t bring scooters into this.


Maybe he can run over some unemployed people on the way to wherever he’s going.

Probably got it at Apex Electronics?

Mainly because our culture doesn’t support sleeping in your car anymore. I’m not sure where it fall legally, but I’d say 1 in 4 times I’ve tried to catch Z’s in my car, it’s ended with a knock on the window from Police.

They made the right decision.

Nobody buys Apple products just because they are made by Apple. They buy them because they have a strong track record in engineering, materials, packaging, usability, reliability, longevity...

At least these guys are running an FTC approved fuel source.