
China was a war torn colonial playground just 100 years ago. A big mistake we as Americans make is judging other parts of the world by our current conditions.

Nice failed system they have over there! Everyone knows communism never works! LOL!

Sorry but describing A Way Out as “critically acclaimed” is incredibly inaccurate.

Have loved these since their debut, never understood the aversion. They seem due to boom

Damn! Thanks for sharing! 

We have to be at the height of what will be looked back on as a truly dark time of tech and data obsession at the cost of logic at all levels of society.

I love the CTS-V recc. What a fantastic car, and very unique.

They don’t really “cover” anything anymore. This entire family of sites are almost entirely content mills at this point. They just write about Gamepass games because it’s a huge install base and it seems pretty obvious that writing about Gamepass games drives clicks. That’s why you see this junk.

A lot of modern critics expect main characters to all be people they want to be friends with and who reflect their values back to them. This is also how I related to art when I was 9.


What the fuck is happening here seriously

Exactly. And Cloud gaming on console has so far been far more impressive than PC and mobile offerings

And if cloud gaming continues to develop, you may never need to upgrade it

People still thought that like ten years ago

Reason #1,325 why my kids aren’t playing online games until they’re 14. Too bad crap like Roblox and Among Us is out there giving real losers direct access to massive communities of children. 

Making armor coloring an unlock just fucking sucks man.

Serious question - For those that want things like this - why?

Series X here. I didn’t have a single match during my ten hour trial that wasn’t bugged in some way, besides the teleporter mode or whatever. Reload prompts stuck on screen, trapped in a crouch, disappearing attachments. This is all outside of the things that are fundamentally wrong from a design perspective, as well

$15.00 minimum wage (a now 11 year old campaign,) the infrastructure bill you’re bragging about (gutted and hardly even a shadow of what it was,) easing student debt, How about SOME form of healthcare expansion? Over 2/3rds of US COVID deaths occured to the un-insured - but the media has somehow convinced you and

The fact that the first thing you can think of when talking about the catastrophic failures of the current administration is that people aren’t getting vaccines is absolute proof you’ve been propagandized.