
The CEO expert everyone

Thank you.

Are there any details at all about what Tesla is actually being sued over? Based on what you’ve shared it makes it sound like they are suing Tesla because Tesla never agreed to allow JPMC to be their primary lender? 

This game running like trash on 600 dollar graphics cards is only one of it's many many problems. I hope you're young, because any adult spending this much time defending massive corporations is kind of scary.

Go the San Andreas route and have a landmass that mimics part of the gulf - Florida, Keys, NOLA, ATL. That’d be so cool and never happen! 

Yeah the throwaway sentence about the billboard really stuck out to me more than anything about the UFO picture. 

How can this possibly be your response? This post completely ignores the artists nuanced discussion of web3 technologies and NFTs, and it’s part of a very interesting discussion. Most people will completely miss out on this as the majority of press about this will be reduced to the exact voice you’re reading here.

The only narrative possible is “Thing X Very Bad/Thing X Very Good” It’s very sad. There’s a lot to be discussed about NFTs and the blockchain, and the fact that this nation’s press mostly consists of low-effort blogs like this, most people are completely missing out and trapped in only the culture war aspect of it. 

Beyond Gamepass, the main reason I moved to Xbox over Sony after owning every Sony system up until this gen was in the software and UI support. I picked up an Xbox One X a couple of years ago and was immediately amazed at how much better that entire ecosystem navigated and ran relative to my PS4. When I read that Sony

Yeah, I had an internet outage a few months ago and was just SHOCKED at what I couldn’t play. Of course the reality of Gamepass sets in when that happens, but even fully purchased downloaded games and discs became unplayable.

It’s a big loss. It churns my guts that 5 weeks of strike earned very little and they’ve settled on basically the same as what they were offered. Union leadership as well as ownership get to bandy it about as a win while they crack champagne this weekend, the workers return having fought 5 weeks for... almost nothing.

As long as we get to own the bad guys in comments sections!

Aren’t you the one who referred to the act of playing Forza as “grinding?”

Dealerships engage in all sorts of shitty behavior. I’d rather leverage thousands of dealerships against auto manufacturers than each of us individually bargaining with them. Even the most hardcore capitalist cannot argue that these massive mega corporations having direct access to your wallet will somehow end in a

I'd argue 4 is when things started getting unmanageably chaotic, similar to this one. 3 was perfect

I wonder if it’s a generational thing... The amount of people I see referring to playing Forza Horizon, a game that sometimes borders on being hilariously rewarding, as “grinding.” It’s bizarre.

What if you played the game and did races and bought different cars?

Shout it from the rooftops, and think about it next time you read some low-effort “DEALER X IN STATE Y DID THIS CRAAAAZY THING” on here.

This website is a mess.

What if you tried out just not streaming stuff anymore? Lots of other things people used to do 10 years ago before this was a thing!