
No. We have immigration laws that require you to apply at the nearest consulate if you want to emigrate to the US. If you just swim the river, or hide in a truck to get in, you did it illegally. Which makes you a criminal. Generally, you are screwed at that point because we don't make it a point of letting criminals

Correct, Seth. Everybody who went through Ellis Island was processed legally before being admitted to the US. About 2% were rejected and sent back to where they came from. And after 1924 Ellis Island was used primarily for deporting people.

This is just laziness from the graphic designer that was assigned to create a logo for the segment. He/she must be a gamer and borrowed the logo thinking it was obscure enough to get away with it. I am sure nobody else at Fox News who gave the go ahead for this knew where the logo came from.

The Statue of Liberty is all about LEGAL immigration. Illegals need to be deported by the cheapest way possible, with amnesty only for children.

This is just laziness from the graphic designer that was assigned to create a logo for the segment.