
Somebody tell Will Arnett he can turn down a voice over job every once in a while.

Luke insulting a player repeatedly while giving the play by play was a very funny bit. The best part is Luke didn't mind getting a black eye for his efforts.

Since I have a great love for Alan Alda thanks to his portrayal of Hawkeye Pierce, it's a huge kick seeing him play a scary James Bond/Keyser Soze-esque super villain.
Correct me if I heard it wrong, but Alda's character said he hadn't seen Red in 20 years - isn't that how long Red has been on the run from the U.S.

Loved the pilot. If Rick and Morty spend their time exploring alternate universes and timelines, it should be a fun show.

I'm developing a big TV crush on Amy Fumero. From her nervous fumbling when Santiago tries to impress Holt to her dorky happy dances, she's one hot cop.

Agreed. The Blacklist is tons of fun, warts and all.

Exactly. I don't like that Lisa wasn't called out for recoiling in terror at Isabel simply because they don't share the same political beliefs. What about tolerance Lisa?

Hopefully they'll keep Brian's death going for a few weeks, since Vinny grew on me by the end.
I'd say Brian will be back by the Christmas episode.

Earlier this season Joan was pushing for Sherlock to take some cases outside the ones served up by Gregson. Maybe the tension between the NYPD and Holmes in this episode will build in future episodes and Sherlock and Watson will have to take some mysteries without the NYPD.

Andrew Dice Clay as a crooked plastic surgeon catering to rich people and the criminal underworld in sunny Miami.

Agreed. I like that movie. The voice casting was spot on.

Red's speech to The Stewmaker before dumping him is my favorite moment from the series so far.

I liked Skye better when she was Claudia on Warehouse 13. 
The Nick Fury cameo was fantastic. I am amazed they kept it so secret, considering the internet is all about spoilers nowadays. I was truly blown away. Perhaps other characters who have movies coming out in the next several months will be making appearances?

The Blade Runner homage (right down to Stan's sidearm) was awesome. American Dad manages to be brilliant from time to time.

I was a little sad that Gary is moving back in with the Monarch. I really wanted him to become a member of SPHINX.

I agree. They could have stretched the totem case out over a few episodes just to give Henriksen more screen time.

Damn that's funny.

The one career day I remember was in middle school. we sat in small groups at tables in the library and parents would tell us about their job and after ten minutes they would switch - the speed dating version of career day.

Worst Week! Thank you! 
As I watched the first half of Family Tools, I thought to myself "didn't this guy play the well meaning but put upon guy in a show just like this a few years ago?" 

Yeah, that is weird. 
Now if they really did a live episode, that would be something…