
So, did anyone think for a second that the wight crate was empty? That would’ve been awkward...

So did anyone else think for a second that the wight crate was empty? That would have been awkward.

More nuts.

Honestly, the problems Aleida has seem to be there more to give Daya a reason to forgive her every time.

This was a fine episode, but GOD was Sookie unbearable in this one. Badass, focused, cool Sookie just doesn't sell because
1) to ease the gigantic transition from stupid slutty Sookie all the writers have come up with was making her say 'fuck' a lot of times;
2) Anna Paquin just can't do badass, focused and cool. Look

He also conceived Phantom Scyther!

Plus, they protect against critical hits

It's looking more and more like the last season is just going to be Littlefinger against the White Walkers. This dude has planned out some serious shit.

You're fun.

Unfortunately Jaime is a pretty terrible fighter at this point.

I think you're dead on about that first part. We are supposed to doubt everything we thought we knew about Shae.