Shilling is vehemently opposed to liking things. It’s his whole shtick.
Shilling is vehemently opposed to liking things. It’s his whole shtick.
Click through this slideshow and find out!
Isn’t that what’s become of Jalopnik?
I don’t care if it’s the same old thing. It’s the same old thing that keeps bringing me back for the 10 years I’ve been watching their various shows, reading their books and following their antics. I even paid for motor trend TV to rewatch the old TG shows.
hatin’ and being edgy gets the clicks, now
Eh. It will likely still make me chuckle. Seamen had some funny moments.
I remember when Jalopnik used to enjoy and encourage car culture
Oh, right. That’s true. I remember 3P0 burning corpses.
This is an excellent point, blanket bans are not practical, rather some signage and common sense should be applied on individual streets
One very interesting comment you made:
*sees the fans on the roof*
I have several Kasa plugs. They work quite well and price wise they’re tough to beat. I like that a hub isn’t required to use them. They can be a little finicky to set up, but all you need is a little bit of patience.
I have several Kasa plugs. They work quite well and price wise they’re tough to beat. I like that a hub isn’t…
My advice is to find a brand with everything you want and stick with them.
My advice is to find a brand with everything you want and stick with them.
In related news Ford surprised everyone by rolling out an refreshed and updated Pinto with a Gender-Reveal Package (GRP). The GRP Pintos only come in blue or pink and are specially equipped with the original gas tanks in the original locations. Because safety-first, car-seat loops have been installed in the back seat.…
Username checks out
Not sure why they’re called “smart” plugs when there’s really nothing smart about them. Sure, you can control them by way of an app or other device, but the plug itself it pretty dumb and can only be on or off. I digress...
Not sure why they’re called “smart” plugs when there’s really nothing smart about them. Sure, you can control them…
I have the TP Link Kasa smart plugs since they were available. I have the HS-110 and it’s been rock solid. I also own one of the smaller smart plugs, a white bulb, and a RGB bulb. Currently the HS-100 is available on Amazon for $20 per 2 pack ($10 per switch). The HS-100 is the same as the HS-110 without energy…
I have the TP Link Kasa smart plugs since they were available. I have the HS-110 and it’s been rock solid. I also…