
Abandon hope, all ye who scroll beyond today’s articles on the front page, for lo, ye will enter a ne’er ending vortex of offensive advertising and cross-promotion from articles from 7 years ago. You’ll never believe what happened next! The camera saw it all! Racy prom photos for old people to ogle! Never pay for

Use AdBlock my man.

O/T: What the Hell is going on with G/O lately? Am I the only one seeing all the ads flicker, or having the header and Notifications constantly being trashed? I don’t know what The Herb’s up to, but it looks like shit. Not to mention the weird-ass splash page and constant ads for The Root Institute. Somebody needs to

Here’s the full inspection in Michigan:

Literally do nothing.

It's hard to see air, yes.

The flat earthers may yet prove their worth, the way things are going by next year we’re going to need a sustainable and ethical source of Soylent Green...

Last one coming down the line

This comment is going to cost AVClub at least $30k.

His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

Unfortunately, that is millions of acres of farmland that would be unproductive.  Farmers (and the lobby) will fight tooth and nail about tilling soil, it’d be virtually impossible to get something like this past a state house in any agricultural state.  And, to be honest, most of these roads see, maybe, dozens of

Oh my this is the content I crave. We moved out of our HOA 2 months ago and dammit I can't wait to paint my front door teal. Take that assholes!

30-40 pedestrians per mile

So we all agree, I assume, that this is the swan song for the ICE / analog car - right? Like this is it - the ultimate - purely powered by exploding dinosaur remains through a manual transmission road vehicle that’ll ever be produced.

This would be awesome and sell like crap.

I can’t wait to hear all the small truck die hards bitching and moaning about Ford giving them a small truck that isn’t a 2000 ranger.  

Why IS carpeted floors in vehicles even a thing? I’d never even thought about this before.

Then the Bronco becomes a subcompact car, and they start selling the Fiesta in replacement for the F-450.  Americans only buy Kei cars, the Japanese go nuts for full size trucks made by Porsche, and the Europeans start doing 70's luxury barges with 200HP out of 7L.  

The Sasquatch Package is the one you’ll hear about, but never actually find it.